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Public Consultation - Self Assessment Report

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The Portuguese participation in the OGP implies the biennial elaboration of national action plans, to develop, coordinate, execute and supervise the Network, an informal structure composed of public entities and civil society organizations. On this page we present the first version of the Report of Self-Assessment to the I National Plan of Action of Open Government (I PANAA), developed by the members of the National Network of Open Governmen (Network or RNAA). Throughout this report, the action plan that inaugurates the Open Administration and the GPO in Portugal, its main results and impacts, as well as the learning and lessons learned, were presented. As mentioned, this 1st Action Plan was developed and implemented based on the promotion of close, active and transversal collaboration between the public administration entities and civil society organizations that constitute the National Network of Open Government, but also of the implementing partners whose contributions were essential for the successful implementation of this Action Plan.

In order to encourage the reading of the contents and promote active participation, we present below summaries of each section of the report, inviting a critical reading and analysis of readers, so that they can subsequently send questions, comments and/or suggestions they have about the report.


Self-assessment report

The Portuguese participation in the OGP implies the biennial elaboration of national action plans, to be developed, coordinated, executed and supervised by the National Network of Open Administration (Network or RNAA), an informal structure composed of public entities and civil society organizations. 

From September 2018 to August 2020, the Network developed and implemented the I National Open Administration Action Plan (I PANAA), which is based on 8 commitments, subdivided into 27 milestone activities, selected from the set of proposals resulting from the co-creation activities of the National Open Administration Network and a public consultation process to Civil Society. Building on the specificities of the national context, this first Action Plan was inspired by the declaration and principles of open administration four main axes, namely:

  • Open Data, promoting the availability and reuse of information generated by the PA (with 2 commitments);

  • Transparency, promoting access to information and administrative documents of the public sector (with 7 commitments);

  • Use of Information and Communication Technologies and Digital Inclusion, disseminating new channels of relationship between THE and citizens /companies (with 5 commitments);

  • Public Participation, stimulating the use of public consultation processes and participatory democracy (with 6 commitments).

As a result of the implementation of the Action Plan,15 of its 27 milestone activities were fully implemented, resulting in a positive final completion rate of 67%. As a first general assessment of the implementation of the I PANAA, the following aspects are also highlighted:

  • 4 commitments were fully implemented, 100%, in less than 24 months. However, by the end of December 2020, another (#5) commitment could achieve full implementation;

  • 2 of the commitments were 89% or more in force (#3, #5), although they did not achieve full implementation;

  • Only 2 commitments (#7, #8) had limited execution, with a completion rate of less than 50%.

Download the complete Report (portuguese version)


Comment directly on the report, in PDF format using Google Drive platform

Submit questions, comments and/or suggestions to ogp@ama.pt


Section 1: Introduction and framing

Portugal's membership of the OGP in December 2017 was a natural step, taking into account the path of Portuguese society in recent years, guided by greater transparency and openness to the citizen and society in general.

It is in this paradigm and through a collaborative effort of its members, partners and Civil Society, that the Network sought to bring this diversity of experiences and knowledge to the implementation of the I Open Administration Action Plan, which is based on 8 commitments, selected from a set of proposals resulting from the network's co-creation activities and a public consultation process.

Download Section 1: Introduction and framing (portuguese version)
Participate! Submit questions, comments and/or suggestions to ogp@ama.pt


Section 2: Action plan process

The action plan process was developed collaboratively and participated, recounting actions for monitoring and dissemination of information, and with the establishment of patterns of participation and co-creation through the creation of spaces for dialogue, collaboration, co-creation and participatory decision-making, and the establishment of co-ownership of the project and joint decision-making.

During the implementation phase of this I Action Plan, its monitoring was monitored by the Network through ordinary working meetings, called Network forums, the main collaborative work sessions and deliberative moments. The self-assessment report presented here was also developed collaboratively and participated.

Download Section 2: Action plan process (portuguese version)
Participate! Submit questions, comments and/or suggestions to ogp@ama.pt


Section 3: IRM Recommendations

The IRM recommendations, which relate exclusively to the development and co-creation phase of the I Action Plan, have as their main objective to inform the development and co-creation phase of the next Action Plan, but also to provide practical guidance for the implementation phase of the current Action Plan.

The key recommendations identified are the need to establish more two-way communication channels with citizens, promote parity of governmental and non-governmental organizations, prioritise commitments involving the justice sector, include commitments that have a balanced focus on accountability and civic participation, and promote greater public engagement in future action plans.

Download Section 3: IRM Recommendations (portuguese version)
Participate! Submit questions, comments and/or suggestions to ogp@ama.pt


Section 4: Implementation of commitments entered in the I Action Plan

Presents the complete description of the methodology of the implementation process, based on the international good practices of Project Management, which consisted on the development of a Matrix of Responsibilities, the definition of basic principles of communication and articulation of the Network, a Project Plan and the elaboration of a Status Report for monitoring each of the commitments.

The main results of the implementation were a positive overall performance, with a completion rate of 67%. According to the information provided by the OGP Regional Coordination Team, this figure is also aligned with the performance in other countries in the context of their inaugural action plans.

Download Section 4: Implementation of commitments entered in the I Action Plan (portuguese version)
Participate! Submit questions, comments and/or suggestions to ogp@ama.pt


Section 5: Peer-to-peer exchange and learning

Throughout the implementation cycle of the I PANAA, the AMA management team maintained a close relationship with the international OGP, through contacts and monthly regularity work sessions, aiming to monitor the work of the Network, and planning the next action plan. Contacts were also made with other countries participating in the OGP, to share previous experiences.

Initiatives were also carried out that, although not contemplated by the I National Action Plan, generate impact and advocate for the principles of Open Administration: the creation of the Municipal Transparency Portal and 3 webinars under the Open Response campaign | Open Recovery.

Download Section 5: Peer-to-peer exchange and learning (portuguese version)
Participate! Submit questions, comments and/or suggestions to ogp@ama.pt


Section 6: Conclusion, other initiatives and next steps

This first experience served to bring together learnings and identify the existence of a set of opportunities, in number and in gender, for the subjects of open administration in Portugal, both at the level of the management model for the development, co-creation and implementation of the Action Plan, and in the definition of the role, responsibilities and performance of the members of the Network.

These learnings can be applied to the strategic definition work of RNAA and the II Action Plan, which are planned to take place in the last quarter of 2020.

As a result of the plan, 50% of the commitments were fully effective, 100%, in less than 24 months. However by the end of December 2020, 75% will still be able to achieve full implementation. A possible increase in the Network's executive capacity could contribute to making the implementation rate even more positive in the next action plans.

Download Section 6: Conclusion, other initiatives and next steps (portuguese version)
Participate! Submit questions, comments and/or suggestions to ogp@ama.pt



Who can contribute?

All citizens, Public Entities or Civil Society organizations that have an interest in contributing to questions, comments and/or suggestions and thus enrich the contents of the report.


How long can I submit my contribution?

The Public Consultation will be available from 15 October to 6 November 2020.


How can I contribute?

After reading and analyzing the Self-Assessment Report, or its sections, contributions should be sent via email ogp@ama.pt, showing the specific part of the report (identifying the section and page) to which it refers.


What happens to my contributions?

All contributions will be analyzed and answered. After the Public Consultation period, a document will be published with the contributions received, duly anonymised, the response given and which were integrated into the Self-Assessment Report, as well as how they were integrated.