Commitment Cocreation Workshops
Participate future Commitments co-creation workshops
Register in the Co-Creation Workshops, which takes place between 3 March to 11 March and help defining how citizen participation can enhance the relationship between the State and citizens and improve public services.
Within the scope of the activities of OGP Portugal, the development of the II National Action Plan (NAP) is underway, through the co-creation of concrete State commitments aimed at strengthening the application of the principles of Open Government and enhancing the relationship between the State and citizens, we invite you to participate in the «Sessions Program for the Co-Creation of Future Commitments» - coordinated by the National Open Administration Network. The objective is to collaboratively identify the main challenges that citizens, Civil Society Organizations and companies face in their relationship with the State and / or in their experience with public services, as well as signaling potential opportunities to apply the principles and values of Open Administration in solving identified problems. Unfolded in 4 thematic workshops, this program aims to validate and develop proposals for ideas for potential commitments to enroll in the 2nd NAP.
The workshops have a limited number of participants, distributed equally between civil society and public bodies. The 4 sessions will be facilitated by different partners, that by event order go as follow: PASC [in partnership with APDSI], ANJE, Transparência e Integridade and AMA and will take place from 16:00 to 18:00 (GMT) with the following distribution:
March 3 | Universal, accessible and inclusive public services;
March 4 | Promotion of the resilience and sustainability of entrepreneurs and companies;
March 10 | Transparency, good management of public funds and combating corruption;*
March 11 | Open data and access to information.
* Rescheduled: Session of March 10, starts at 15:00 (GMT)
It is intended to mobilize citizens, Civil Society Organizations, companies and potential implementing partners, challenging them to propose initiatives that can be carried out within the scope of the implementation of the 2nd NAP through a specific commitment between the State and Civil Society. We appeal to your interest and participation in ongoing initiatives, as well as to the respective dissemination with your contact networks (download the outreach kit here).